Aerial transport : Elon Musk’s plans to improve connectivity in flight

SpaceX’s high-speed Starlink satellite service could soon be available on certain flights via its Starlink Aviation service. SpaceX has announced that its high-debit and low-latency service will soon be available on many business aircraft models.

With this new service, which will unfortunately be absent from most commercial flights, SpaceX affirms that it can provide speeds of “up to 350 Mbps” in each plane, allowing all passengers to “access at the same time” Internet connection compatible with streaming.’

“With a latency as low as 20 ms, passengers can indulge in previously non-functional activities in flight, including video calls, online games, virtual private networks and other activities with high data rates “, – says the website of the operator Elon Musk. As a reminder, aviation is the fourth sector targeted by Starlink, after residential and commercial sectors, as well as recreational vehicles and maritime transport. SpaceX has entered into an agreement with croisiériste Royal Caribbean to deploy Starlink on the fleet.

A very competitive marché

SpaceX has designed a low-profile aerodynamic reception terminal located on the roof of an airplane. The terminal is equipped with an electronic control antenna. “L’internet dans les avions sera le même que si vous accédiez à l’internet chez vous!”, Elon Musk, the patron of SpaceX, exclaimed on Twitter.

The Starlink Aviation kit includes an Aero Terminal, an electric power supply, two wireless access points and harnesses. According to SpaceX, les livraisons beginneront en 2023. Reste que Starlink n’est pas seul sur ce marché, loin de là. Viasat already offers a Wi-Fi service by satellite à bord des avions to commercial airlines. These geostationary satellites are in orbit 34,000 km from Earth. Intelsat, the largest provider of services in flight, is also present on approximately 2,000 aircraft via its satellites, and 1,000 others are connected by its air-sol wireless network systems.

SpaceX confirms the aura of Starlink Aviation une couverture mondiale, même dans les régions polaires. L’entreprise underline que les satellites géostationnaires ne couvrent pas les régions polaraires. Le service semble être destiné aux avions d’affaires rather qu’aux transporteurs commercialis. SpaceX notes that the types of aircraft paid for by Starlink Aviation include: ERJ-135, ERJ-145, G650, G550, Falcon 2000, G450, Challenger 300, Challenger 350, Global Express, Global 5000, Global 6000 et Global 7500. société mettra à jour sa list de types d’avions pris en charge au fil du temps.


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