Delhi University to set up joint control rooms, deploy women cops in plainclothes to check ragging, tease ahead

Delhi University (DU) has set up two joint control rooms, one each in the North and South campuses, to check indiscipline and rudeness in the campus premises. Women police officers in plain clothes will work outside the university and also outside each college. In order to maintain discipline, from the new academic session, vigilance and police pickets will be introduced at DU.

In case of fraud and bullying, the police will take responsibility for the offenders. DU students who want to take accommodation in PGs should ensure that the place is checked by police officials as all such PGs will be regularly monitored by police, an official DU notification said.

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“The University will establish two joint control rooms, one each in the North and South Campuses (North Campus Phone Number 27667221 and South Campus Phone Number 24119832) starting from November 2, 2022 to November 11, 2022.” he said. “Anti-tearing posters in English and Hindi have been put up at strategic locations in the North and South campuses of Delhi University,” an official statement said.

A meeting of the DU Prosecution Board was held on Friday, which was attended by representatives of the Delhi Police and senior officials of the university. “In this regard, the College and the Department have been directed to strictly comply with the rules and regulations issued from time to time, particularly the provisions of Regulations XV-B, XV-C and Sexual Harassment of Women in the Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redress) 2013. (14 of 2013),” said DU Secretary Vikas Gupta.

During the meeting, the policemen were asked to clarify the steps for receiving gross complaints. “The authorities were informed about fraud on the Internet. They have been asked to file a cyber crime complaint,” Gupta added.

Gupta added that colleges, centers and hostels have been asked to restrict the entry of outsiders and post the rules regarding prohibition of bath in the respective institutions. “All colleges, faculties, departments and hostels have been asked to set up an anti-teasing committee, a disciplinary committee and a vigilance squad using the help of NCC/NSS student volunteers wherever possible to control teasing,” Gupta said.

— with PTI inputs

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