Fragmented French Left Unites to Contest Snap Elections

France’s typically divided left-wing parties have reached an agreement to field a unified slate of candidates in the upcoming snap elections at the end of the month. Their aim is to counter the rise of the far-right led by Marine Le Pen. The rapid formation of this preliminary agreement reflects the upheaval caused by President Macron’s unexpected call for snap elections, prompting parties to scramble for alliances ahead of the two-round vote beginning on June 30.

After suffering a significant defeat to the far-right Rassemblement National (RN) in the European Parliament elections, President Macron promptly called for the snap vote. Late on Monday night, a joint statement was issued by the Socialists, Communists, Greens, the far-left France Unbowed party led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, and several smaller parties, including activist-turned-politician Raphael Glucksmann’s party, who ran a strong campaign for the French left in the EU election.

The left-wing parties are also urging citizens to join protests against the far-right. Marine Le Pen’s RN is poised to gain many more seats in the 577-member parliament than the 88 it currently holds. The party aims for an outright majority to seize the prime minister’s office and take control of the government, a prospect that would spell trouble for Macron and significant change for France.

The first polling data from Harris Interactive predicts the RN would lead with 235 to 265 seats, shy of the 289 needed for a majority. Macron’s centrist alliance is projected to win 125 to 155 MPs, compared to the 249 it currently holds. A united left-wing list is forecasted to win 115 to 145 seats, versus the 153 they currently have. The conservative Les Républicains and other smaller right-wing parties are expected to win 40 to 55 seats, down from 74 currently.

The newly formed left-wing alliance has branded itself as the “Front Populaire,” named after a short-lived coalition of Communist and Socialist factions in 1936. However, underlying divisions persist within the left on geopolitical issues such as Russia’s conflict with Ukraine and the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza, as well as attitudes towards the EU. Previous left-wing coalitions have faced challenges after glossing over policy differences to win seats, only to unravel once in parliament. Whether Jean-Luc Mélenchon will play a central role in the new alliance remains uncertain, as his presence is opposed by other left-wing parties. Former prime minister Bernard Cazeneuve has voiced opposition to any alliance involving Mélenchon’s party, and Raphael Glucksmann has emphasized the need for a different figurehead.