Publication: Modification:
The leader of the extreme right, Giorgia Meloni, has been entrusted by the Italian president, Sergio Mattarello, with the mission of the coalition of the new government, a declarée vendredi un responsable de la presidency. Elle prend les rênes du gouvernement italien à un moment particularly difficile, l’inflation et l’incertitude mondiale pesant lourdement sur l’économie de la péninsule déjà criblée de dettes.
Giorgia Meloni, leader of the post-fascist party Fratelli d’Italia, winner of the last legislative elections, was charged, on Friday, October 21, by the former president Sergio Mattarella, the secretary general of the presidency announced. 45 years old, she accepted this responsibility, becoming the first woman called to this function in the history of the country.
Geogia Meloni presented the composition of his government in the wake of his nomination, who will take the oath on Saturday at 08:00 GMT under the gold of the Quirinal Palace in front of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella.
The list of ministers reflected his desire to reassure Rome’s partners. The former president of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, a member of Forza Italia, is appointed to foreign affairs, and Giancarlo Giorgetti, a representative of the moderate wing of the Ligue, is already a minister in the outgoing government of Mario Draghi, and takes on the crucial portfolio of the ‘Economy.
La Romaine, qui a réussi à “dédiaboliser” son parti pour parvenir au pouvoir exactly a century after Mussolini, disposes with his coalition partners, the populist leader of the anti-immigrant League Matteo Salvini, the declining chef of Forza Italia Silvio Berlusconi, of the majorité absolute tant à la Chambre des députés qu’au Sénat.
>> À lire aussi : Giorgia Meloni’s commentary on conquering Italian law… and paying
Une tâche ardue
Au moment où la troisième économie de la zone euro affronte, comme ses voisins, une economic situation difficile due à à la crisis et à l’inflation, sa task s’annonce ardue, d’autant quelle devra veiller à l’unité de sa coalition qui montre déjà des fissures.
Matteo Salvini and Civio Berlusconi refused to accept Giorgia Meloni’s authority by abstaining with 26% of the vote in the September 25 election, against 8% for Forza Italia and 9% for the League.
Les médias se sont fait l’écho des multiples passes d’armes entre les trois dirigenes sur la redistribution des postse au Parlement et au sein du futur gouvernement.
Elle même atlantiste et favorable au soutien à l’Ukraine face à la Russie, Georgia Meloni had to face this week the polemical proposals of M. Berlusconi, who claimed to have “renewed” with Vladimir Putin and imputed to Kiev the responsibility of the military
Des déclarations du plus mauvais effet alors que l’arrivée au pouvoir de cette coalition à dominante eurosceptique est suivie de près par les officers. Giorgia Meloni s’est sentie oblige de rectifier le tir mercredi en affirmant que l’Italie fait ” pleinnen partie et la tête haute ” de l’Europe et de l’Otan.
With AFP
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