L’hôpital universitaire de Milton Keynes tests drones for the transport of medical supplies


L’hôpital universitaire de Milton Keynes tests drones for the transport of medical supplies

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image source, Help NHS de l’hôpital universitaire de Milton Keynes

The drones flew between the Saxon clinic (A) and the pathology service (B) across the main site of the hospital

Des essais ont eu lieu sur l’utilisation de drons pour transporter des fournitures médicales sur un site hospitalier.

The Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Trust has declared that the project has seen blood samples transferred autonomously from dedicated drone stations.

Ceux-ci étaiten situés au-dessus de son unité de pathology et à la clinique Saxon.

L’objectif était de comprendre la “faisabilité d’un transport médical rapide, sûr et fiable à shorte distance par drone”, declared the trust.

The hospital declared that it was working with manufacturing experts Intelsius and drone specialists Herotech8 on the InMed project – a consortium that aims to present the benefits of using drone technology to support the services of Sante.

He declared that the project involved colleagues from various specialties both within the hospital trust and outside.

Le pilote a été mis en place jeudi avec des vols toutes les heures le vendredi entre 10h00 et 15h00 BST.

“The demonstration flights are intended to collect as many data and user feedback as possible for a real use case,” the trust said.

Il ajouté que toutes les organizations partneres, le personnel, les patients et les visiteurs ont été informés que des drons étaiten en opération sur le site.

A spokesperson for the Trust said: “We continued to support the project to undertake other tests and developments to identify how this could facilitate an improved service for our patients.” »

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