The Shebab Islamists attacked a hotel in the port town of Kismayo in Somalia on Sunday, killing at least nine people and 47 wounded.
Neuf personnes ont été tuées et 47 woundedes dans une attaque carried out on Sunday 23 October during more than six hours by radical Islamists Shebab in a hotel in the city of Kismayo, dans le sud de la Somalia.
Cette grande portuaire est la dernière frappee par le regain des actions violentes des shebab ces derniers mois, qui a notably ensanglanté la capitale Mogadiscio et le center du pays.
The attack, which began at 12:45 local time (9:45 GMT), ended at 7:00 p.m. after three attackers inside the hotel were shot dead by state security forces. Jubaland.
The Minister of Security of Jubaland, Yusuf Hussein Osman, announced a report of nine people killed and 47 others wounded, “among them students who were leaving a nearby school at the time of the attack.” “Les forces de sécurité ont mis fin au siège en temps opportune”, he estimated.
Voiture piégée
L’attaque a été menée par quatre hommes : un premier qui a mené une attaque suicide, suivie de l’intrusion de trois hommes armés dans l’hôtel. Selon Yusuf Hussain Osman, a debut kamikaze attack “which is a fact bomb”.
Des témoins ont évoqué à l’AFP une voiture piégée. “A kamikaze drove a vehicle to the hotel entrance before armed men entered the building. Des tirs ont commencement à l’intérieur”, said one of them, named Farhan Hassan.
Les shebab ont vindiqué l’attacke, affirmant viser un hôtel où étaiten réunis des membres de l’administration du Jubaland. They had carried out a similar attack in July 2019 against the local authorities in a hotel in the city, causing at least 26 deaths and 56 injuries.
The Islamist group, linked to Al-Qaida, combat depuis 2007 the federal government supported by the international community. Il a été chasé des principales villes – don’t la capitale Mogadiscio en 2011 – mais reste solidemente implanté dans de vastes rurales zones, notably dans le sud du pays.
The capital of Jubaland, located 500 kilometers south of Mogadishu, Kismayo was a bastion of the Shebab, which drew solid revenues from its port business before the city was recaptured in 2012 by local militias backed by Kenyan forces.
With AFP