An earthquake of magnitude 3.7 whose epicenter was localized in Lanester (Morbihan), near Lorient, according to the Réseau national de surveillance seismique (Renass), s’est produced Sunday evening, sans faire de dégât.
“On a eu beaucoup d’appels de gens inquiet mais il n’y a eu aucune intervention liée à cet événement”, said Monday morning à l’AFP le Sdis du Morbihan.
In 2002, an earthquake of magnitude 5.4 shook Brittany
La secousse, qui a eu lieu à 21h52, a été commentée sur les réseaux sociaux.
In September 2002, an earthquake of magnitude 5.4 occurred in this same region.
Quelque 600 earthquakes occur in France every year, but only 10 to 15 are felt by the population. Alsace, the Midi-Pyrénées, the littoral Mediterranean and the Alps are the most frequently touched regions.