Publication: Modification:
The old town of Lamu in Kenya, the national park of Virunga in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, or even Koutammakou in Togo… So many magnificent sites recognized by Unesco as world cultural and natural heritage. Yet, compared to other continents, Africa is under-represented. The classified sites constitute only 12% of the totality of the goods registered. Nos deux invités intendent bien changer cela. Lazare Eloundou Assomo, director of Unesco’s mundial heritage and Souayibou Varissou, executive director of the fund for African mondial heritage, are the parents of priority actions for the best recognition of African heritage sites in the next fifty years.
La jeunesse du continent, victim de l’industrie du tabac
The Organization Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) estimates that smoking will explode in Africa in 2025. In Senegal, certain children start smoking at the age of 7, according to the national program to fight tobacco. Un phénomène qui quiète les associations et les autorités sanitaires, au vu des maladies et cancers provocés par l’addiction à la cigarette. Health costs associated with smoking are estimated at around 112 million euros per year in the country.
La Tunisie veut une meilleure reconnaissance de son or vert
Olive oil is a pillar of the Tunisian economy. The third world producer behind Spain and Italy, the country exports its olive oil to more than 60 countries in the world. Certain entrepreneurs du sector veulent aller au-delà de cette exportation en vrac. Ils ont décidé de former des oléologues. Ces dégustateurs spécialisés auront ensuite pour mission de promote la qualité des marques locales.