India will soon become Coursera’s top market in terms of aggregate subscribers, US-based Coursera Global CEO Jeff Magioncaldo said in an exclusive interview business line. India, which has 17 million subscribers on the ed tech platform, is growing at 34 percent annually, he said. .
As such, Maggioncaldo said, India will soon overtake the company’s biggest markets, the US, where Coursera has 20 million users, as well as Europe, where 19 million users use the platform.
Location, next
Maggioncalda also said business line the next campaign aims to connect college students taking Coursera courses with entry-level jobs. For this, the company has started interaction with large enterprises that want to hire entry-level employees, ready to work from the first day.
Most recently, Maggioncalda celebrated the third anniversary of the launch of Coursera on campus in India. He noted that the timing of the 2019 launch of this university-focused product was fortuitous, allowing the product to spread quickly. Starting with a presence in 30 universities before the pandemic, Coursera now boasts a presence in more than 11,000 schools with 1.1 million students using the product.
The USA will be ahead
Maggioncalda describes India as an extremely dynamic market with more than 850 million young people and a fast-growing economy. “Especially when you compare this market to Europe and the US, there is a recovery here,” he said. India’s market is growing rapidly at 34 percent in terms of subscribers compared to the US growth rate, which is in the mid-teens. Looking at these numbers, India may overtake the US to become the largest market in terms of number of users in a couple of years.
The next big deal
The next big thing, according to Coursera’s India CEO, is their attempt to connect users enrolled in Coursera courses to entry-level jobs offered by Indian businesses. Maggioncalda mentioned a major Indian bank that has hinted at hiring 200 freshmen to port Coursera programs for its technology vertical.
“It’s a mix of both homeschooling and Coursera programs that act as an identifier for the company to assess the skills of the recruits they’re hiring,” he said. “Many companies are interested in preparing their employees for work on the first day, this involves training their employees on the Coursera platform before they come to the company, or returning training to the university, where students interested in working in the company can register in program,” he said. According to Magioncalda, this demand will continue to grow and Coursera is best suited to meet this challenge.