Le nouveau Comité central chinois excludes Li Keqiang and Wang Yang Par Reuters



© Reuters. Chinese President Xi Jinping votes for the opening ceremony of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China October 22, 2022. REUTERS/Tingshu Wang


Par Yu Long Tian and Eduardo Batista

BEIJING (Reuters) – The Chinese Communist Party has entered into a new Central Committee that does not understand Premier Li Keqiang and Wang Yang, who signed it, making analysts, the Standing Committee of the Politburo designated sera probable composé de fidèles de Xi Jinping.

Li, qui quittera ses fonctions de Premier ministre en Mars, et Wang, qui dirige la Conférence consultative politique du peuple chinois, ont tous deux 67 ans et sont donc éligibles, selon les normes dâge chinoises, pour avoir siégé cinq ans de plus au committee permanent.

Aucun deux ne semble avoir de longue date ties with Xi, qui devrait apporter quatre nouveaux visages au Comité permanent qui sera introdut Sunday, selon des analysts et des médias. The actual members Wang Huning, 67, and Zhao Leji, 65, who are all two people as Xi’s processes, took place after the renaming in CPS.

Two other members of the CFP have passed retirement age.

Samedi également, le parti a apprové des amendements à sa constitution visant à cementer le statut central de Xi et le rôle directeur de sa pensée politique au sein du parti alors qu’il clôturait son congrès de deux decennie.

On Sunday, the new Central Committee will elect the Politburo permanent elite committee, with Xi, 69 years old, widely expected to obtain a third mandate at the head.

A third mandate of cinq years will strengthen the place of Xi as the most powerful leader of China since Mao Zedong, founding leader of the Republic populaire.

Among the amendments to the constitution of the party, the “Deux Établis” define Xi as the “essential” leader of the party and cement his ideas as the guiding principles of China’s future development. Les “two guarantees” assurent le statut “central” de Xi au sein du parti et l’autorité centralisée du parti sur la China.

The vote s’est dérollé à main levée dans le vaste Grand Palais du Peuple, où une grande partie des débats du congrès du parti de la semaine se sont dérollés huis clos.

Le congrès s’est concluded par une fanfare militaire jouant “L’Internationale”.

Lors de son premier plenum on Sunday, the new central committee of the party will choose the next Politburo, which generally has 25 people, and its new permanent committee, which currently has seven people.

The new direction will be unveiled when Xi is appointed to the highest post in China as secretary general of the party in the Grand Hall, followed by other members du Comité permanent du Politburo (PSC) par ordre décroissant. de rang.

During the closing ceremony, Xi’s immediate predecessor, Hu Jintao, who was sitting beside him, was escorted off the stage. Hu, 79 years old, appeared slightly unstable last Sunday when he attended the opening ceremony.