Six people have tested positive for monkeypox — two in New York, two in Chicago, Nevada and one in Maryland — confirmed services in the city.
The department of health and mental hygiene of the city of New York declared that it was “deeply saddened by the two deaths reported, and our thoughts go to the relatives and the community of individuals.”
“All efforts will be made to avoid additional suffering due to this virus thanks to continued community engagement, information sharing and vaccination,” the NYC DOH said.
Célon of the Department of Santo de Chicago (CDPH).
“Although the number of new cases of MPV has decreased considerably since the summer, it is a brutal reminder that the MPV is dangerous and can cause serious diseases, and in very rare cases, even death,” he declared. la commissaire du CDPH, le Dr. Allison Arwady.
Monkeypox was a factor contributing to the death of a resident of Maryland, who was immunodepressed and had a serious condition, according to the Ministry of Health of Maryland (MDH).
“If you are eligible, as if you are immunodepressed or at risk, the best way to protect yourself against the serious diseases of MPX is to vaccinate,” said the deputy secretary of the MDH for public health services, Dr. Jinlin Chan.
The first confirmed American death from monkeypox was reported in Los Angeles County in September. Une personne atteinte de monkeypox à Houston est decéede en août, mais les autorités n’ont pas déterminer si le virus avait Causé le décés.
At the end of September, l’Ohio signaled its first death of a person with monkeypox, but noted that “the individual also had other health problems.”
Il peut être difficile de determiner si une personne est decédée de la variole du singe. Non seulement le virus devrait être détecté dans leur corps, mais les médecins légistes devruit “relier les points” quant à la façon dont l’infection a cousé la mort, par exemple en affecting certain organs, selon le Dr. Priya Banerjee, un conseil d ‘administration. is a Rhode Island board certified physician and professor of adjunct pathology clinic and laboratory physician at Brown University.
“To die from an infection, it’s generally systemic – what means that the body is affected – or an important organ is affected, like the heart, the lungs, the liver or the brain,” she said. to declare “Ce n’est pas qu’ils meurent avec l’infection; c’est à cause de ça. C’est donc la différencia que vous devez faire, et c’est une différencia assez importante. Je pense que les limites ne se limitent pas à identify si ou quel organe est affecté, mais dans quelle mesure – et personne ne l’appellera une cause de décès à moins que cela ne soit confirmé.
Les nouveaux cases de monkeypox aux États Unis ont regularly diminué ces dernières semaines, mais des inquietudes subsistent quant à la possibilité d’une maladie ou d’un décés, en particulier chez les personnes immunodéprimées.
Il y avait 27,884 cas probables ou confirmés de monkeypox signalés aux États-Unis vendredi, selon aux Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.