The Vet’s Top 5 Dog Breeds: See If Yours Is On The List

We all love our dogs. They are the sweetest and nicest friends we could wish for, unless, of course, you’re more of a cat person. Just because you think your dog is better doesn’t mean it really is.

Pug and Dachshund owners may still be upset about a recent TikTok post by Ben Simpson-Vernon, a veterinarian from England. Simpson-Vernon runs the Ben the Vet TikTok account, and on Sept. 22, he shared he, as a veterinarian, would never have chosen five dog breeds – mainly due to many life-shortening health problems. This post went viral and has 9.7 million views so far. (We reveal its five options — sorry, Bulldog believers.)

Now the veterinarian has turned the situation around and named five breeds of dogs would consider bringing it into his own home. By popular demand here are 5 dog breeds I would personally consider as a vet to get a dog #dogsoftikt#veterinary#learnontiktok#woof#benthevet♬ LIFE MOMENTS – Turreekk

“Now, I’m definitely not telling everyone to go out and get these five dog breeds,” he cautions. “I’m also not saying these are the five healthiest dog breeds, because every dog ​​breed has some issues they’re prone to.”

Here are the five breeds he named.


The long, lean Greyhound “might not look too cute,” admits Simpson-Vernon, “but overall they’re really gentle dogs and many of them need homes after their racing careers are over.”

He noted that this breed is known for its bad teeth, so he urges interested people to take special care of the health of greyhounds’ teeth. They also – naturally – like to run, he says, so they need a family that can accept that.

Border terrier

According to him, the vet would have chosen a mean little border terrier if he had taken a small dog.

“In my experience, they’re pretty affectionate little dogs,” he says, adding that he thinks they form a slightly stronger bond with people than other terriers. They’re generally strong health-wise, although there are some issues, he notes, saying it’s good to know a dog’s family history.

Hungarian Wirehaired Pointer

Not everyone is familiar with the medium-sized Hungarian Wirehaired Pointer, but it’s on the vet’s list. He admits it’s a “niche selection, there aren’t that many,” but adds that those he’s met have shown “a great temperament.”

These dogs need two long walks every day, he says.

Labrador retriever

Few will be surprised that the popular Labrador made it to the Simpson-Vernon list. “I just think they’re wonderful family dogs,” he says. “They are gentle, kind, loyal, funny.”

Like all dogs on the list, Labs are prone to some health problems, in this case joint and eye problems. Many of them are also overweight, he notes.


Bark When You See This Happening: Number 1 calls Simpson-Vernon a “bi-breed,” which he admits isn’t a breed, but refers to a mixed-breed dog that isn’t easily defined as one specific breed or the other.

You may not be able to predict a mixed-breed dog’s adult size, temperament and activity level as you would a purebred, he says. “But what you get is diverse genetics and a dog that, because it’s less inbred, is less prone to diseases that have a hereditary component.” For him, as a vet, he says it’s very important.

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