Yemen – France condemns Houthi oil attack (10/21/22)


France strongly condemns the attack against the oil tanker Nissos Kea on 21 October outside the port of Dabba in Yemen. This attack, claimed by the Houthis, is an unacceptable threat to international maritime commerce and freedom of navigation. This type of attack constitutes a grave and flagrant violation of the right of the sea and prevents the Yemeni population, the first victims of this war, from having access to goods of the first necessity.

France calls the Houthis to responsibility and de-escalation. Elle deplore l’absence de progrès pour conclure une nouvelle trêve au Yémen, dont la responsabilité directemente aux Houthis.

Only one solution politique entre les parties yéménites sous l’égide des Nations unies peut mettre un terme à cette guerre qui n’a que trop duré. France enjoint les Houthis à s’engagement durably et de bonne foi dans les négotiations led par l’Envoyé spécial du Secrétaire général des United Nations, dont la France salue les efforts.

It recognizes the commitment of the Yemeni government in favor of a truce and, ultimately, a political solution, as well as the efforts of Saudi Arabia, the Sultanate of Oman and the countries of the region in this sense. France recalls its attachment to peace and unity in Yemen, as well as regional stability and security.