les Européens réclament une enquête de l’ONU sur les drones iraniens en Ukraine


France, the United Kingdom and Germany called for an “impartial” inquiry on the Iranian drones supplied by the West to Russia in its war against Ukraine on Wednesday, in a letter addressed to the UN. On the ground, Kiev has claimed new advances in the Kherson region. Follow hour by hour the last developments of the war in Ukraine.

  • 3 hours 10: l’Ukraine avance dans le sud

Kiev has claimed new advances in the strategic region of Kherson, a city in the south of Ukraine where Russia has begun to evacuate the civilian population on Friday, the day the American and Russian Defense Ministers spoke on the phone.

The president of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, congratulated himself on Friday evening in a video of the “good results” of his army in this region, where, he said, more than thirty Russian armored vehicles were notably captured.

  • 1:11 a.m.: Europeans are calling for an UN investigation into Iranian drones in Ukraine

France, the United Kingdom and Germany called for an “impartial” inquiry on the Iranian drones supplied by the West to Russia in its war against Ukraine on Wednesday, in a letter addressed to the UN.

“Une enquête de l’équipe du secrétariat de l’ONU chargée de la mise en œuvre de la resolution du Conseil de sécurité 2231 serait la bienvenue et nous sommes disponible à supporter le travail du secrétariat pour mener son enquête technology et impartiale”, note la lettre consultée par l’AFP et adressée au Conseil de sécurité et au scrétaire généra des Nations unies Antonio Guterres.

>> À lire : “After the drones, l’Iran pourrait fournir des missiles ballistices à la Russie”

According to AFP and Reuters

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