Lyon.  Pourquoi les livreurs Just Eat vont manifest ce samedi?

This Saturday, October 22, the Just Eat delivery workers from all countries have been called on strike by the unions, including the CGT and FO.

Ces derniers dénoncent dans un communiqué communique la direction de Just Eat, qui « essaye d’impose un plan de licencement honteux. »

“Honteux Licensing Plan”

According to the syndicats, the management is looking for ways to get rid of salary delivery drivers to pursue their activity with auto-entrepreneurs delivery drivers. Ils mettent également en avant la degradation de leurs conditions de travail: “Pruther que d’investir, la management prefere saborder le navire en issatant les conditions [de travail] s’abaisser, » cinglent-ils.

In Lyon, a rally is announced at 6 p.m., at 97 cours Gambetta, in front of the company premises, so that the strikers can manifest their discontent and defend their jobs and working conditions.

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